As a British Cycling Level 2 coach (MTB), we can coach general cycling skills and specific mountain bike skills.

We can put together bespoke training covering the skills below or include some coaching in a guiding day.

Body Position – Fundamental to all cycling skills
Braking – The better you can do it the faster you can go
Cornering – Good cornering is a significant upgrade to your riding

Trackstands (slow balance) – The key skill to tackle a technical decent or climb
Powered front wheel lift – Great for climbing up obstacles when you don’t have enough momentum
Rear wheel lift – Being able to un-weight the back wheel
Manual front wheel lift – A core skill for drops, bunny hop and step over
Step over – Used to get over and up obstacles on the trail
Drops using weight shift
Drops using powered lift – Wheelie drops
Bunny Hops American or English